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Mehandi craze grips valley ahead of Eid in Kashmir | KNO



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Srinagar, Jun 15 (KNO): Ahead of the Eid-ul-Adha, a fervent wave of Hinna (Mehandi) craze has swept across the Kashmir Valley. Women and girls, along with others eager to celebrate, have flocked to markets in preparation for the festive occasion, which falls on Monday. According to the details, gathered by the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), the markets in Srinagar and other parts of the Valley were bustling with activity as women sought out the best Hinna artists to adorn their hands with intricate designs. “Every year, Hinna is a significant part of our Eid celebrations,” said Ayesha Khan, a resident of Srinagar. The designs are more than just decorations; they symbolize joy and festivity. It's a tradition that connects us to our cultural roots, she said. Moreover, market vendors have also noticed a surge in the sale of Hinna cones and related products. “This is the busiest time of the year for us,” said a Hinna vendor in Lal Chowk. “The excitement and anticipation for Eid Ul Adha are palpable, and the rush for Hinna is a clear sign of that,” he said. Pertinently, the festive fervor is expected to continue, with markets anticipated to remain crowded with female shoppers on the eve of Eid—(KNO)


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